Overheard on Social Media: Charlie and the 12-hour Factory

@rising_son_mks: Congratulations on your coronation aiyaa! The wait is over. I know what it's like to wait for the oldies to move on.

@charlie_iii: Sorry, have we met? I don’t recognize the name! Apologies.

@rising_son_mks: I’m the ruler of Tamil Nadu. With Periyar’s blessings, soon the ruler of Davida Nadu.

@charlie_iii: Thank you for the greetings, your majesty! I should look that country up. Is it in the commonwealth?

@rising_son_mks: No, my family tells me we only believe in uncommon wealth.

@charlie_iii: (Recovering): You said you know how it is to wait. So your mother died too?

@rising_son_mks: No, my father, my respected thalaivar, died a few years ago.

@charlie_iii: Sorry to hear that. It’s hard to lose a parent.

@rising_son_mks: Yeah, it’s almost impossible. Hey, can I ask you a question?

@charlie_iii: Sure. Anything for a fellow king. Us royals have to help each other.

@rising_son_mks: They tell me that you sent your younger son to the U.S. Was it your idea, or did your older son ask you to?

@charlie_iii: No, he went on his own. All we had to do was to be mean to him. 

@rising_son_mks: I tried, but that didn’t work for me. My father had to start the family business in Madurai and Delhi to move my siblings away.

@charlie_iii: Our family business was all over the world, but I’m not sure about the details. All I know is that mom said it didn’t work out.

@rising_son_mks: Family business is important, She didn't control it well, I'm guessing? My father used to read Mario Puzo for tips on how to run ours. Changing topics, how do you wear that crown thing? Doesn’t that make your wig slide down?

@charlie_iii: I don’t wear a wig, but my son might have to. But tell you what, he will have to wait several decades, just like I did. (Evil laugh!)

@rising_son_mks: Don’t remind him of that. You never know what the youngsters may do. I worry about it all the time. By the way, I saw your cricket video. You play well. 

@charlie_iii: Thanks. Do you play?

@rising_son_mks: Yes, I am a very good leg spinner. We should play some time! My son is trying to acquire a cricket stadium in his neighbourhood. We'll play there. Bye for now!

@charlie_iii 👍